Advice and Opinions

Friday, May 1, 2009

Workout Blues

A lot of Americans really do want to be healthy. They are not lacking in the skills necessarily, but they may lack the motivation. There are many people who don't feel like getting up off that couch. It takes so much effort to take that first little step. However, I have found that if you can just get up and get moving, then it is really a lot easier to exercise than it appears. I often feel those times where I don't want to get up and move, but once I get going, and especially if I'm listening to my favorite upbeat music, then it is really easy for me to keep going.

An important thing to remember is that you don't have to exercise for a really long period of time. Do it in baby steps. Do 10-15 minutes of cardio at a time and vary it up. You don't want to get bored, but you also want to make it a routine so that your body is used to getting exercise at a regular time.

A lot of people fear beginning exercise because you don't get that perfect body right away. You have to work for it. Many people don't want to be seen at the gym or outside before they have reached their goal. There is a solution to this. I have found that some of the best exercises for me are in the privacy of my own home. It doesn't require any expensive equipment. It just needs a TV and DVD player. Do aerobic videos in your home. It is much easier and more motivating if you have a partner to do it with you (I have my mother). You don't have to worry about people watching you, it's easy to do once you have done it a couple times, and it fits perfectly into your schedule.

Everyone can find an exercise regimen that works for them!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu

America now has its newest craze: The Swine Flu.
Are we overreacting? Is this a new pandemic that we need to fear and prepare for?
I believe that it is smart to be cautious, but there is no need to become paranoid.
So far, only people of Latino descent have died of the flu. The one death in the US was of a kid of Latino descent. Perhaps there is some sort of genetic disposition that they have that makes them more susceptible, such as Sickle Cell and African Americans.
It is important to know that the flu shot that you may have received this year does not protect you from the Swine Flu. This is a different strain of flu. Past flu shots will not prevent it either.
The most important thing is to make sure that you wash your hands before touching your eyes our mouth. Keep surfaces clean and be aware of where you have put your hands. Avoid sharing drinks, meals, etc. If you are cautious, then you should be fine. The most important thing is to not panic. Panic can cause many worse things to happen. Try to stay optimistic and live a healthy lifestyle. Be hygienic, and maybe even use your extra resources to help those who are less fortunate to by hygienic also.
We can stop the spread of the flu if we make sure that all US citizens have access to the necessary resources. Knowledge and resources will empower us to overcome this possible pandemic.
Stay Calm!